Friday, June 20, 2008


Effective Leadership Skills
Major(R)Khalid Nasr
We are facing a leadership crises in Pakistan.Our political leadership lacks Vision , Agenda and Personal Charima.Our leaders are self -interested and deliver only ilp service to the miseries of a common man.
Organizational Leadership is at a premium today and there is a clear recognition of the fact that in most situations the enthusiasm & motivation aroused in people by powerful & positive leadership is the most potent strategic weapon that provides sustained competitive advantage.• Today, management is defined as, “The process of getting things done though others”; whereas leadership is defined as “The process of getting things done willingly through others”. The difference between the two definitions is one word but that word willingness and the degree of willingness aroused determine the effectiveness of the leader. Positive and powerful leader has an extraordinary ability to arouse such degrees of willingness & motivation in people that the impossible seems to become possible. The willingness aroused by a leader in organizational situations translates into achievement & excellence. THREE MAJOR INGREDIENTS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 1. The ability to develop a climate that is conducive for motivation through personal example. 2. A leader’s ability & confidence to inspire. 3. The ability to comprehend human behaviour and apply this knowledge to people & situation. The various roles played by Effective Leaders of today are identified as follows:1. Envisioner 2. Role Model3. Motivator4. Goal Setter5. Initiator6. Decision Maker7. Informer8. Conflict Resolver9. Controller10. Team Builder11. Spokesman12. Crises Manager MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE LEADER Intellectual Characteristics: 1. Originality2. Far-sightedness3. Receptiveness4. Decisiveness5. Sense of Timing6. IntelligencePersonality Characteristics1. Personal Integrity2. Self-confidence3. Emotional Balance & Control4. Adaptability5. Assertiveness6. Tough Mindedness7. Resourcefulness8. Tolerance of Stress9. Perceptual Objectivity10. High Need for Achievement Task Related Characteristics: 1. Task Knowledge & Expertise2. Administrative Ability3. Responsibility Acceptance4. Deadline & Schedule Orientation5. Team Management Ability6. Proactive Orientation7. Ability to identify and Focus on Key Issues8. Decision Making & problem Solving Socially Related Characteristics: 1. Humanison & Empathy2. Personal Impact / charm3. Socio-cultural Sensitivity4. Interpersonal and Social Networking5. Social Participation & Friendliness 6. Tact & Diplomacy LEADERSHIP SKILLS A leader must have some basic skills to perform his duties effectively. A list of suggested leadership skills critical to success in the global economy includes the following: 1. CULTURAL FLEXIBILITY: Cultural awareness and sensitivity _______ recognize and celebrate the value of diversity in their organizations. 2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Written, verbal, body language & listening skills. 3. HRD SKILLS: Development of the human resources _____ training ,career counseling, job evaluation. 4. CREATIVITYProblem solving, innovation, setting goals and assisting subordinates to be creative. 5. SELF MANAGEMENT OF LEARNINGLearning is a continuous process ______ learning new methods, skills and technology ______ must be self-learner. 6. MANAGING TIME & STRESS.7. DELEGATING8. MOTIVATING & INFLUENCING OTHERS9. TEAM BUILDING10. MANAGING CONFLICTS SKILLS & ABILITIES FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP • Social Objectivity: Ability to act free of racial, ethnic, gender or other biases.• Inner work Standards: Ability to set & meet highly personal work goals.• Self-Understanding: Ability to recognize one’s strengths & weaknesses.• Introspection: Ability to learn from experience & self-study.• Vision: Ability to imagine a different & better situation and ways to achieve it.• Entrepreneurism: Ability to spot & take advantage of opportunities.• Empowerment: Ability to share influence & control with others. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP TRAITS• Intelligence & Analytical Ability• Energy & Personal Drive • Self- Confidence• Dominance & Assertiveness• Desire to Lead• Honesty & Integrity• Knowledge & Expertise• Need for Achievement• Creativity & Intuition VARIOUS TYPES OF BEHAVIOUR DISPLAYED BY EFFECTIVE LEADERS 1. Consideration: It is the extent to which a leader is approachable and shows personal concern for subordinates.2. Initiating Structure: The degree to which a leader concentrates on groups’ goal attainment.3. Reward Behaviour: The extent to which a leader provides his subordinates with compliments, tangible benefits and desired specific treatment.4. Punishment Behaviour: The leader’s use of reprimands or unfavourable tasks assignments and active with-- holding of rewards. _________________WISHING YOU HEALTH & HAPPINESS. MAJOR(R) KHALID NASR

1 comment:

jameelzaidi7 said...

This is not the first article on the subject, because the author is devoted to the cause of dissemination of ideas for spreading the knowledge relating to Management & allied subjects falling in the domain of inter-disciplinary approach.

Another important factor is his association with the higher echelons of Army wherein he was lucky enough to have acquired a practical know how of leadership. It must be remembered that Management emerged as a discipline from US Navy, subsequently permeating in the private sector. I have already given my comments on his earlier articles falling in the same category. I wish him the best of luck & all the success that futuremight hold in store for him.
Jameel Zaidi